The Club has six Outdoor Rinks and three Indoor Rinks enabling all year round bowling. The Outdoor Rinks are amongst the very best in Middlesex and are used by the E.B.A. and County Associations to host competitions. Our Indoor Rinks are newly refurbished with upgraded LED lighting.
New members are very welcome.

Bowls Membership
If you are interested in joining pop in anytime to collect a Membership form, or please email any questions you might have to
Current full year prices can be found on the membership forms.
The membership secretary for bowls is Angela Frankland on 07834 597495.
The club caters for all standards, from those entering National, County, and Local Competitions, to beginners and casual bowlers looking for a friendly Roll-Up.
Feel free to pop in, especially on Thursday evenings at 6pm (club night), look around and meet some members.
Roll Ups - 10.30am Monday & Friday
Club Night - 6pm Thursday
INDOOR SEASON - September - April
Roll Ups - 10.30am Monday & Friday
Club Night - 6pm Thursday

Competitions & Coaching
Useful Links to Bowls websites:
London and Southern Counties Bowling Association
Bowls coaching is available at Bounds Green.
Phone the Club on 0208 889 9850 for more details.